Trademark Blog

What is the Section 8 Declaration of Use for a Registered Trademark?

Section 8 Declaration of Use

The Section 8 Declaration of Use is a document filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for the purpose of maintaining a trademark registration.  The Section 8 only applies to trademarks that are registered under Section 1(a) (use in commerce) or Section 44(e) (U.S. registration based on a foreign trademark registration).  If your trademark is registered with the USPTO under Section 66(a) (extension of protection through the Madrid Protocol), then you would need to file the Section 71 Declaration of Use rather than the Section 8 Declaration of Use.

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What is a Geographically Deceptively Misdescriptive Trademark?

geographically deceptively misdescriptive

A geographically deceptively misdescriptive trademark (which is different than a primarily geographically descriptive trademark) is ineligible for federal registration with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on either the Principal Register or Supplemental Register.  The Lanham Act (which governs trademark registration in the US) specifically prohibits the registration of trademarks that are “primarily geographically deceptively misdescriptive” of the products/services with which they are used.

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What is Acquired Distinctiveness for Purposes of Trademark Registration?

acquired distinctiveness

The concept of “acquired distinctiveness” (also referred to as “secondary meaning”) is extremely important when it comes to registering a non-distinctive trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).  The following are common examples of non-distinctive trademarks:

Non-distinctive trademarks are normally only eligible for registration on the Supplemental Register (as opposed to the Principal Register).  But, there are circumstances under which non-distinctive marks can be registered on the Principal Register.  Those circumstances have to do with the concept of acquired distinctiveness under what is known as Section 2(f) of the Trademark Act.

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What is a Surname Trademark Refusal by the USPTO?


A trademark that is primarily merely a surname is only eligible for registration with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on the Supplemental Register, unless it has acquired distinctiveness or “secondary meaning” in the minds of the purchasing public.  A “surname” is also often referred to as a “last name” or “family name.”  Some very common examples of surnames include “Smith,” “Johnson,” “Williams,” and “Jones.”  However, there are millions of other surnames among the US population, many of which are shared by only a handful of people.  As such, it’s not always clear when a trademark would be considered primarily merely a surname.

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What is a Disclaimer for USPTO Trademark Registration?


After you file your trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), you may receive a trademark office action requesting that you provide a disclaimer of a particular element of your trademark.  Usually, the requested disclaimer is for words or phrases that comprise a portion of your trademark, but the request could also be to disclaim a design or portion of a design.  The good news is that dealing with a such a request is generally quite straightforward and non-controversial.

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